GAP provides reliable and sustainable energy services for small, medium and large businesses and residents across our target markets.

About Our Company

Sustainable Solar Energy for All

Green Aim Project (GAP) is a renewable energy company in USA, providing clean, affordable and uninterrupted smart energy solutions. Over the years, we have built our reputation by providing quality alternative energy solutions to the Nigerian community with exceptional client satisfaction.

“Our top priority is to protect employees and increase customers’ comfort level. We have seen a 62% reduction in grab-and-go theft.”

Green Aim Engine brings the only cloud-based solution that can actively manage data consumption. Saving you thousands of dollars in annual metered data charges
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Green Aim Project D3 Edge Security platform provides state of the art Detection, Deterrence and Alerting in an easy to setup and use system.
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Green Aim Project Omni system provides a Live Streaming Video solution that offers site visibility anytime, anywhere. Our omni system will provide you with a full PTZ camera, cellular, mobile solution.
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Premium Web Services

Our Best Services

Homeowners can produce & store power gotten during the day into batteries for night use with GAP Solar Storage. Learn more
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The demand for electric vehicle charging stations have never been higher than they are in this very moment.
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Solar Energy for Homes


The concern about Solar is that it can only generate power during the day, and not at night, with GAP Solar Storage Solution residential customers can produce and store excess power generated during the day into the batteries for night use. This is usually a small-to-medium scale solar power generation and energy storage solution.  It’s an intelligent, affordable electricity storage system which reduces electricity bills and ensures constant & consistent power supply.